30 MIN Pilates Arms and Abs Workout || Exercises Videos

30 MIN Pilates Arms and Abs Workout. Exercises Videos for Beginners and everyone…Hope everyone has a great health month so far! How have you enjoyed all the workouts so far?

30 MIN Pilates Arms and Abs Workout

Source: Sanne Vloet

It’s funny because I usually don’t crave winter, cold weather, warm sweaters and hot drinks but there’s something about this year that puts me in the mood so much! I have seen so many beautiful holiday decorations, recipes and more. When it gets colder and we spend more time inside it’s sometimes harder to find motivation. I want to give you some tips to make it easier for you:

1. Whatever you want to do, do it first thing in the morning! Get over it and don’t let your whole day be affected by it! We are also often more productive in the morning.
2. Set your alarm 30 minutes earlier and take that time for yourself and write down your goals, knowing your goals will make it easier to stay focused and motivated!
3. Find a friend to keep you accountable! Maybe it’s a friend, a family member or even me!!
4. Prepare and set yourself up for success!

I hope this little talk helps a little as this is something I keep repeating to myself!

I’m also thinking of sharing some more health stuff on my Instagram, maybe a bunch of favorites like protein powders, beauty products, and more! What do you think?




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    1. Marlin Dandridge April 22, 2022

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